Sunday, February 09, 2014

Look at the back

Dress: Forever 21 | Shoes: Zara

Hello there dolls! Its a great day today here down under. The weather is so nice. Even though the sun is trying to burn our skin, the wind is always there to rescue. I am out to stroll around town with this backless dress, which is quite old. I remember buying this dress as i am not sure whether i have the heart to wear it outdoor, at daytime. You see, this dress doesn't require you to wear bra. And the worse thing is this dress doesn't have pads for support either. So i feel weird and somehow uncomfortable every time i wear this. But i'm getting use to it. And hey, women here in Australia doesn't even wear bra whenever, wherever, whatever! So...
I like peek-a-boo dresses. They seem naive in front and when you turn around, boom! But i always go with long sleeves. It looks more mature i guess. And for this type of dress where you don't have a choice but to wear only nipple tapes, it is clever to have it in black. Where the tapes are unnoticeable. But if you are brave enough you can wear it bear, though i'm sensing a fashion crime. LOL.

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