Saturday, April 07, 2018

Sun, Sky and Water

Dress: Bardot | Shoes: Zara  | Sunnies: Prada

You might be seeing a lot of sun, sky and water on my background. This is Queensland - sun, sky and water. Lots of it. That is why it is called the sunshine state. And this is like a candy land to me. I love the heat of the sun. It warms my soul. And the sound of the waves calms my mind. This is where i always find peace. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Naturally Tanned

Dress: Bardot | Shoes: Zara  | Sunnies: Prada

I made it this far?! (Pat’s myself on the back) i might make this whole blogging thing more frequent that i thought. Yep, once a month is already an achievement for me. I have so many excuses, most of them were valid. Says the mother in me. Anyway, i am digging this yellow on me. I have never been a fan of yellow. It is loud. Like “hey, look at me” loud. But now that i am wearing it, i don’t feel like it is what i thought it is. I say, it even compliments my skin tone. Don’t you agree?

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Back from long hiatus

Dress: Zara | Shoes: Nine West  | Sunnies: Prada

So i have been MIA for 2 years. I got pregnant by the end of January 2016. And my pregnancy was not a good one. I was in a bad shape. Fast forward, 10 months after, i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. My second child, second daughter. Taking care of a newborn all by myself is a new experience for me. I got a nanny with my first. And may i say, the word “busy” is underrated. I haven’t had a proper sleep for a whole year! I was exhausted. Insert long rant here. But as all the mum says, it’s all worth it. I love my daughter, so much. So that is where my whole 2 years went. Being a full time mother. 

But here i am now, back on my game. Still not full time though. As i am still figuring out how to juggle my life, my priorities. Anyway, you will see me here every now and then. I hope that won’t mean once a year. So please bear with me.